Ames National Corporation Ranks in the Top 200 Publicly Traded Banks by American Banker Magazine (5/3/18)
Ames National Corporation Ranks in the Top 200 Publicly Traded Banks by American Banker Magazine
Ames, Iowa. Each year, the American Banker Magazine ranks the most profitable 200 community banks and thrifts when considering a three-year average on Return on Equity (ROE). Ames National Corporation ranked 164th on this list. 633 institutions fit the criteria for the ranking.
Click Here for a complete list of the rankings.
Ames National Corporation is listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the ticker symbol, ATLO. The Corporation affiliate banks, all located in central Iowa, include: First National Bank, Ames, Boone Bank & Trust Co., Boone, State Bank & Trust Co., Nevada, Reliance State Bank, Story City, and United Bank & Trust, Marshalltown. Additional information about Ames National Corporation can be found at Information regarding the process for purchasing stock can be obtained through Richard Nelson at First Point Wealth Management, (515) 663-3074.
For further information contact:
Thomas H. Pohlman, President
(515) 232-6251 or
[email protected]