Ames National Corporation Banks Ranked as Optimal Performers by Seifried & Brew (5/22/17)
Ames National Corporation Banks Ranked as Optimal Performers by Seifried & Brew
Seifried & Brew ranks every community bank across the nation with its proprietary S&B Total Risk Index. This index models capital risk, credit risk, earnings at risk, liquidity risk, and national/regional economic risk. The S&B Risk/Return Composite Index balances each community bank’s risk ranking with their return on assets and return on equity. The S&B Top 15th Percentile Banks are inclusive of community banks with assets between $10 million to $30 billion, that have excelled in 2016.
All five Ames National Corporation Banks, Boone Bank & Trust Co., First National Bank, Ames, Reliance State Bank, State Bank & Trust Co. and United Bank & Trust, n.a., ranked as high-performing banks in this prestigious 2016 S&B Top 15th Percentile. “Being part of the Top 15th Percentile is a great accomplishment…and is no small feat!” says Jamie Sumner, chief analyst of Seifried and Brew, LLC. “In fact, this designation shows that these banks have been able to optimally balance risk and reward through 2016.”
J.C. Brew, president & CEO, continued, “The S&B Top 15th ranking says to bank customers that their bank demonstrates exemplary management and safety as an institution.”
More information about the rankings can be found at
Ames National Corporation is listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the ticker symbol, ATLO. The Corporation affiliate banks, all located in central Iowa, include: First National Bank, Ames, Boone Bank & Trust Co., Boone, State Bank & Trust Co., Nevada, Reliance State Bank, Story City, and United Bank & Trust, Marshalltown. Additional information about Ames National Corporation can be found at Information regarding the process for purchasing stock can be obtained through Richard Nelson at First Point Wealth Management, (515) 663-3074.
For further information contact:
Thomas H. Pohlman, President
(515) 232-6251 or [email protected]